3% Wallet
World of Warcraft's enchantment and popularity of gameplay comes down to one thing: Treasure, or in other words......... Loot
30% Wallet – Three 10% Wallets
Much like the spell the token is named after, the token will emulate its very power. Overtime as we Siphon Life from the crypto space and bring it back to Siphon, Siphon will do weekly burns adding up to a total of 30% burned from the total supply over time. The power of Siphon Life is healing our Army of Warlocks by 30%. Wallets locked accordingly.
10% Wallet
10% of token supply for Exchanges and locked for a duration of 2 weeks, will relock as necessary.
Team Tokens - 3%
Team Tokens Vested with Team Finance
About Us
As an avid gamer of World of Warcraft, and Diablo - it is with great honor to present this token to you. Welcome to the World of Siphon, where we are not only taking after the spell responsible for the creation of Ethereum but will be bringing the best elements of actual gameplay to life on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Birth of Siphon
Siphon Life is a spell that was nerfed from the class of Warlocks in World of Warcraft in 2009. Blizzard removed Siphon Life from the Warlocks abilities and Vitalik Buterin an avid player suddenly quit out of anger realizing the power centralized services have by hindering his beloved Warlock, which then lead Vitalik to the creation & birth of the Ethereum Blockchain. The spell was used to siphon life from its victims generating health back to the Warlock in battle.
Siphon the ERC20 token emulates the same characteristics of the Siphon Life spell, using this spell on its victims, all of which are those who come forward creating projects on the Ethereum Blockchain with false narratives and bad actors, especially those who use Vitalik Buterins name in ways for their own evil, selfish , and false agendas. This ability used by the warlock-death knight is to torment members of the Shadowmoon clan. In other words, the victims are all those who have abused the Ethereum Blockchain, giving the blockchain a bad reputation. Siphon ERC-20 holds immense power within its very own community, the Siphon Guild, for every attack cast, brings longevity and health back to Siphon.
The Siphon Life spell is in theory the original mission Vitalik Buterin had that lead him to the ultimate creation of the Ethereum Blockchain, siphoning life out of centralization and bringing power back to the people.
This token is very much the exact spell it takes after. Overtime as community forms and quests, tasks are completed 300,000,000 tokens are held in locked wallets and will burn weekly for an eventual final token supply of 700,000,000. Bringing 30% token health back to the token overtime.